Jeanne Marshall LCSW
“When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I’m afraid.” Audre Lorde
For the last ten years I’ve worked with military service members and their families. Some primary areas of focus have been relationship issues, career decisions, parenting and kids dealing with the separations involved in military life. As a Veteran myself, I understand military life.
I have a Masters of Social Work degree from the University of Maryland. I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in NC and CT. I’m also a CT Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor.
I’ve worked extensively with addictions, using traditional 12 step methods as well as more modern, and medication assisted approaches. I’ve also focused on families of alcoholics and addicts dealing with codependency and the issues of Adult Children of Alcoholics.
I’ve worked with the Red Cross and the state of CT in disaster response. I’ve helped develop community organizations to combat racism in the mental health system. I’m involved in the GLBTQIA community.
The general focus of most of my work is on empowerment. I help people to find their own strength to become the best they can be.